Orthodontist+Dentist in Munich Pasing
Dear patient,
we want to give you the opportunity to get to know us better, so we invite you to get a first impression of our practice and treatment methods by looking around our homepage. We have set ourselves the task to take the time to work on a therapy concept with each patient individually. This way we can guarantee that all your conditions are met and we can offer you the best possible treatment.
The newest technology based on the most recent scientific advances, professional development through further training and many years of experience ensure dentistry and orthodontics on the highest level.
„Treat your patients the same way you want to be treated yourself!“
Since the founding of our practice this was our tenet and we treat dentistry and orthodontics as a profession with a long-term impact on our patients lives. We act as one team with one goal: to preserve your teeth in excellent condition.
We will take as much time for your visit at our practice as we need to make your stay as pleasant as possible. We look forward to your visit!
Correct your teeth almost invisibly – with INVISALIGN.
We are your smile experts.
Schedule a consultation now!

Our orthodontic work
„Contemporary orthodontic treatment methods“
Through orthodontics we can correct functional and aesthetical misalignments of the teeth or the jaw by utilizing modern, convenient and in some cases nearly invisible appliances. For our extensive and detailed Diagnostics, we offer to use digital scans instead of physical impressions and we exclusively utilize low-radiation digital radiographs.
An orthodontic treatment improves your aesthetical appearance in the long run and can help to reduce problems, such as difficulties with chewing or logopedic issues.
An orthodontic treatment boosts the long-term survivability of your teeth by adjusting the position and of your teeth, mouth and jaws.

Our dental work
„Prevention, detection, therapy – principles of our practice“
An integral part of dentistry is prophylaxis, early detection and treatment of ailments in the area of the teeth, mouth and jaws. This includes especially caries and periodontitis, which are caused by bacteria and can inflict serious damage to the teeth. An ideal oral hygiene and prophylactic treatments such as professional tooth cleanings or fissure-sealing are the best guarantee for good-looking and healthy teeth.
Our main focuses are:
Aesthetic dentistry, prophylaxis, periodontitis therapy, endodontology and high-quality dentures including implants. In collaboration with a local master dental technician we work hard to fulfill your expectations in quality, aesthetics and function.
Through our affiliated orthodontic practice interdisciplinary coordination for tooth movement is efficiently possible in every age group – child, youth and adult alike.
Treatments that exceed our spectrum of therapy can be guaranteed nonetheless through a network of nearby colleagues with whom we cooperated over the course of many years.
We look forward to seeing you in our practice, your dentists Dr. Kilian Hansen and Gillian Arch.
How to find us in
Munich Pasing
Praxis für Kieferorthopädie
Zahnheilkunde PartmbB
Landsberger Str. 482
81241 Munich
Orthodontics Tel. +49 (0) 89 834 50 35
Dentistry Tel. +49 (0) 89 834 50 34